Tuesday, February 15, 2011

im running to YOUR arms...my heart will sing no other name JESUS

Jesus is all we need. His grace is sufficient for us. He is our ultimate lover and redeemer. HE IS THE CHRIST, the SON OF THE LIVING GOD.
I have to admit it was kinda sad not being with my boyfriend yesterday for Valentine's BUT he called me on His way to class and I had a wonderful date with Erin. It was fabulous! We had good conversation, tomato soup and burnt grilled cheese thanks to me:) I had a great afternoon walking at the pier and taking a nap and watching a movie. Then off to CONVERGE to practice for worship last night. I did not realize how much I have missed my CONVERGE body and being part of something bigger than myself. I love worshipping God, especially with people who are genuine worshippers. God is so worthy of our worship and worthy to sing our praises to. Madhur spoke on Acts and the significance of the church and the body of Christ. Very powerful and challenging. Just what I needed. He spoke on the importance of the body of Christ and the command that Jesus gives us at the end of Matthew and in Acts 1:8: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth."
It is a command to go and teach and preach the gospel. You don't have to literally preach the gospel, if you are a believer but you need to show the gospel in everything you do, who you are and how you live your life. It should all radiate the KING of KINGS. O God, I pray that I will preach Christ crucified and raised as long as I live and I will be worthy of you. Jesus I long to be with you but in Phillipians Paul says, For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. I will ever praise you, O God you are my God...
I cannot believe it but 9 days from now I will be headed back to Zambia!!!! PRAISE JESUS. The waiting has been the hardest thing for me but I truly believe that God called me back to the states for such a time as this. I have been Esther and been in a waiting room and now it is time to live out the Great Commission, not only in my life now, but in Africa too. I am so excited that He has allowed me to go back and finish what I have started. Please continue to pray for Sawyer and Joe and Joel and Sue Bolthouse and Rhonda and Gil Krause. Rhonda and Gil are going to have to return to the states for treatment for Gil's cancer but we will stay until April 7th with all the teachers and students. So I will be in Macha for a month and a half. Pray for traveling details that they will work out and I will have enough money. If you feel led to donate or to pray please respond with your address so I can send a prayer card. Also if you feel led to contribute financially, my address is 12 Country Club Ct. St. Simons Island, GA 31522 and you make the check out to "Rachel Harden". But most of all I need the prayers! Pray for safety and for the Lord to continue to prepare my heart for the environment I will be entering. That i will have enough strength to be a living, breathing example of the gospel daily, that Jesus would live through me and I would glorify HIM in ALL I do. Thank you so much! Know and believe that Jesus' loves you more than you could ever imagine. HE has wiped your sins as far as the east is from the west. When he looks at you He sees His SON. Live your life for Him for He is worthy!
I am running to You Jesus!
9 days till Zambia, 4 days till Jackson:)
I'm one happy girl:)
                                       Rachel, me and Joe! cannot wait for our reuniting!
                                                     Quick and I on our first date:)
                                              MACHA, ZAMBIA HERE I COME!!!!

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