Hello everyone!
Today is Saturday, yet another weekend in Macha. This is definitely a much needed weekend for me. This past week was a rather tough one, but so rich and good in the Father's love for me and His children. The Lord is revealing so much to me here that it is sometimes hard to put into words all of what He is doing at MICS and in my heart. This past week was certainly a full week for Joe, Sawyer and I. I started out the week teaching Math and Spelling to 4th grade here at MICS. By Thursday afternoon, I was told that I could no longer teach 4th grade Math because some of the parents complained about the children understanding my accent. At first, when Mrs. Sue told me the news, I was extremely upset and immediately started questioning God and why I was even brought back here. But God was so faithful, in reminding me and whispering to me, "My daughter, it is not about you but about me." I think that sentence could sum up what He is teaching me while I am here in Zambia. It is all about Jesus and not about me. My teaching 4th grade Math was definitely a humbling experience because I am absolutely terrible at Math, but by taking the opportunity to teach it away really showed me that His plans are WAY better than any I could conjure up for myself and that I need to Trust the ONE who is in control. I decided not to worry and know that He has something better planned for me. I am still going to be able to teach Spelling everyday and help out with the Activity room, P.E. at 9:30 am and also maybe help some with the 1st grade this coming week.
I am in awe of Jesus' goodness and provision throughout this whole journey. I have been praying fervently for intentional conversations to come up with me and the children and the staff here at MICS. On Thursday Sylvia, the housemom and I, had a really good conversation about God's constant faithfulness and how He knows best, all we have to do is trust that is way IS best and that He knows us better than we know ourselves. Sylvia has a good heart but is not a very happy person, but it has been amazing to see the changes in her since Sawyer arrived in January and even when I arrived just 2 weeks ago. She is more open with both of us, smiles and jokes around with us and is more tender to the children. It has been such a JOY to be with the boarding girls every afternoon and be with them at night. I am becoming closer and closer to them and it is going to be so difficult for me to leave on the 28th. We have 9 girls that are boarding: Josephine, Blessed, Lwindo, Lisa, Nancy, Sevina, Ester, Chipandwa, and Cristabel. I have formed the closet relationships with Lisa, Cristabel, Lwindo and Chipandwa. Lisa and Chipandwa and Blessed are the youngest and Sevina and Cristabel and Nancy are the oldest. Nancy and Lisa are sisters and Josephine is the niece of Yvonne and Justin Milandu, the house parents for the boarding school. They all are so sweet and the Lord has given me so much Joy from them. I am praying for continued conversations and opportunities for me to share Jesus with them. Fannie and Sylvia are the house moms that share the responsibilities with Sawyer and I. We have been reading Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to them before they go to sleep and they have really enjoyed it. It has been really neat to give devotion to the children at night and sing songs with them. I think African children singing to the Lord is one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard.
This week I got the opportunity to teach the boarding kids in music and taught them:"This little light of mine", "Lord I lift your name on High" and "His banner over me is Love". They like all three songs and were very quick at picking them up. Every night we have devotion and singing time before the kids go to their rooms and get ready for bed and Sawyer, Joe and I and Mr. Milandu take turns in giving the devotion at night and the next morning. It has been so encouraging to see the kids listen to us and want to know more about Jesus and His love for us.
I think one of the biggest blessings for me, besides playing and being with the children is having Sawyer here with me and being an encouragement to her. We have gotten so much closer as the time here increases and I am so blessed to have her as my sister and close friend. Her humble attitude and willing spirit has been so encouraging for me to watch and observe. She does all her work to the best of her ability and is extremely detailed and through with her work. Joe has blown me away at how gentle and kind and caring he is with the boys and I am so blessed to have a Godly example how a man should act while I am here. His humble spirit and willingness to help and change the kids lives is truly amazing. God has been SO faithful and I know that I keep saying that but I don't know what else to say, He has shown his faithfulness in every aspect of this trip and has shown me true love and grace. He has allowed me to meet people in Macha that love the Lord and want to help the people here as well. The Tiesons are a family that live right next to the school and have 2 children that attend MICS, Keyanna and Josiah. Josiah is a little boy, 2nd grade, that is adopted from Zambia. Anthony and Karlene lived here for 3 years and then adopted Josiah and returned for furlow in Canada and then came here again for 11 months and are moving again soon for Canada or Mexico. They are a precious family and Anthony is a teacher to the teachers at the school. He guides and counsels teachers in the school in the Macha area. We went out to the resturant with Tracy and Matthew and The Tiesons minus Anthony. It was so good to hang out with people that have lived all over the world and have lived in Macha for sometime and to see the different perspectives. We had Lasagna and Fries which was DELICIOUS. The food that we have at MICS is not that good so we get a good meal it is a treat. We played this game called PIGS and you have 2 rubber pigs and a scorecard and you roll the pigs and different positions the pigs are in depends on how many points you get! It is so fun and I am getting a game of PIGS when I get back to the states:) Today is a very relaxing day and at about 4:30 p.m. we are going to meet Karlene and go to Choir Practice with her and then have dinner at the Teisons. Every Friday at MICS, me, Sawyer and Joe plan an activity called Fabulous Friday and pick a theme. Yesterday was Beach Day and it was SO much fun. The kids all meet in the chapel and the theme is kept secret until they are all settled in the chapel. We then tell them the theme and yesterday many of them had never even heard of a Beach. We began with a scene from the Little Mermaid- "Under the Sea" and then we split the children up in groups 4th, 5th and 6th grade did a Treasure Hunt around the school and Reception, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade stayed with me and we drew pictures of the Beach and read stories about the Beach and the Ocean. Then all the groups went around and played outdoor games. I packed a UGA football helmet Beach Ball and the kids played Beach Volleyball with that and then they came and played what is called the Water Game. You have 4 buckets and 2 buckets are filled with water, and 2 cups. You split them up into 2 teams and the beginning person fills their cup up with water and races to the bucket to pour the water in. Whichever team as the most water in the bucket wins. I organized this game and all the kids thought is was fun. Then after that they proceeded to go back to the chapel and watch Planet Earth and learn about creatures in the Ocean. They all really enjoyed it and it is fun for us to plan it:) We are still brainstorming for ideas for the next Fabulous Friday.
I am so very blessed to have friends here and to have true fellowship and community. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for this week at MICS.
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